Monday, September 28, 2009

Amelie Jane Facer

Becky truly had an amazing labor and delivery. She started having some pains around 5:30am and so we went to her regular Dr. appt at 10:15. The office was very busy so Leah and I kept Carson and Oliver busy for 2 hours until she was finally seen at 12:30. She was checked and told she was at 5-6 centimeters and to check in to the hospital right away. Becky insisted she wanted a sandwich first so we found a Quiznos and waited in the car while Leah got some food. By the time we checked into the hospital it was 1:15. The nurse checked her in and finally checked her internally at 2:00 and she was at a 9!!! Poor Becky was at a 9 for an entire hour because the water just wouldn't break and it was holding the baby up the birth canal. When the Dr. broke the water at 3:00 the baby dropped suddenly right into the birth canal and Becky had to push right through tremendous pain to get her out. The Dr. was concerned because of the meconium, where the baby swallow too much fluid coming out. She was born at 3:11 pm, just 11 minutes of pushing. She was kept from us for quite awhile while they worked on getting all the fluid from her lungs. It was probably at least an hour before Becky got to hold her. Ahhhh, what a satisfying day. Thank you Lord-

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