Friday, August 27, 2010

A really good man! (recorded at disneyland for Laura on mission in Korea)

In this world of disolving marriages, let me just let the world know that I am married to a really GOOD man. He brings cheerfulness wherever he goes. He works hard to be successful so he can bless his family. I may not agree with all he has sought, but there is no question in my mind that I have been blessed with a truly GOOD man. I am so grateful to the Lord for our eternal covenants and our committment to those covenants as we learn and grow old together and I love him so much. Thank you honey for all your love and patience. You inspire me to be better and more forgiving of humanity and all the flaws and weaknesses of humanity.


1 comment:

The Winsteads said...

This is my favorite. Classic nerdy dad moment. Noelle loved it as well! Dad is definately one of the best husbands I know and has managed to avoid temptations that so many men fall victim to in modern day.