Wednesday, February 22, 2012

before and after 2.22.12

The opening before.
The living room doors before.

We put the new french doors in today! Here is the new opening to the kitchen/living room. Also, the opening to the living room entry was opened up.


Unknown said...

Oh my gosh it looks so much better! So much lighter too. I can't believe how quick things are coming together. I guess the Gould house is all still fresh in our minds =).

Are you going to leave the door in the kitchen now that you have two french doors in the family room?

annieq84 said...

Wow that break in the wall to the living room makes such a difference. Love the door choice too. It's all coming together so well!

kelleyplus said...

This project has the Lord's hand involved. Whrn that happens the project is almost effortless.
The kitchen door is still going we just haven't got there yet. This project is flying by even with all the family losses with Phil and Bill. Blessed with great, honest, and very hard working men who are born-again Christians. I love Born again Christians and am seriously thinking of converting. Ha ha ha!