Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Has there ever been such a sweet little Facer girl? Amelie came to us just a year ago. She is so sweet and good and beautiful. Ryan and Becky and all of us are so lucky to have her in our family. Happy Birthday sweetface!

I sure miss being with you. There is nothing better than being a grandma and cuddling a sweet baby, and spending time with my kids--NOTHING BETTER!!!

before and after

It was great to spend time helping Annie make her house a home. There was so much more we wanted to do!

Kari fuhrman family

It was really fun to drop by Kari's while in the Denver area and see her darling little family. Those boys are going to be lady killers!!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

our computers

YAY!!! We got a new computer. Bad news is that all my pictures were deleted on both my laptop and the family computer when they both crashed mysterioulsy during little Brian's visit to La Canada. Soooo no pictures as of now except what is on my little Asus. I will blog pictures after I renew my files!

Monday, September 13, 2010

This prompting is powerful!

I had my first ever genealogy prompting and it was powerful. I mentioned to dad last week that it had been a year since Dee died. Yesterday I felt the need to fast after breakfast for a variety of personal reasons, I know, weird to start a fast after breakfast, but that's when it hit me. I was fasting all day and then through the night until breakfast Monday morning so I could have a real fast experience. So last night I started having this really dark depressing dream. I don't remember my dreams usually, but this one won't leave my conciousness. Kind of like the time I had that premonition about Leah but not quite that strong. So my dear Dee was stuck in a very dark, depressing place and forced to do cruel tricks with a colorful umbrella to earn her way. She was so sad and humiliated. I came across her by accident doing her tricks and told her she didn't deserve to live this way. She took me to her place which was tiny, dark, poverty stricken and dank. I said you are not supposed to be here. You deserve so much more than this! YOU are in the wrong place. I am going to bring you home with me and take care of you. There was much more to it. It was just filled with darkness, misery, and sadness. I haven't been able to shake this feeling all day long. I know I need to get Dee's temple work done so she can move on. I need to go up to the Gould house where all her information is still packed up and get it going. I am amazed at this powerdul feeling and message from the spirit world.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Big Bear 31st anniversary

What a fun and relaxing weekend. Hard to decide on a family vacation home in the mountains or at the beach. What's your vote?