Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I love the article in the June Ensign entitled "HOPE: The Misunderstood Sister."

It cleverly highlights Faith, Hope, and Charity as sisters with distinct characteristics. It clarifies the definition of hope in a way that brought me satisfaction. I concluded that hope is not a question mark as in, "I hope the sun will shine today?" Hope is a statement with an exclamation mark." I have hope the sun will shine today.!.!"(at least in my heart).

It says hope is expectation based on experience.
In my brain I have all the evidence necessary to form a life of hope. Truly a lifetime of tender mercies from my Heavenly Father. I must access those experiences through prayer and meditation and bring them forward and allow them to sit at the forefront of my mind and like a seed, nurture them and use them to grow spiritually. I can plant a seed of hope just as I can plant a seed of faith or charity or any good quality. The article states,"Hope has the confidence of one who clearly sees a bright future even when the next hours seem fog shrouded. Hope is steady and strong."

What is it I hope for?

My greatest hope is that through the atonement I can create a life filled with the spirit of the Lord. A life filled with love and service. A life filled with acceptance of people and the right to one's own spiritual journey. I hope for gratitude and an awareness of the beauties of this earth's creations. I hope my life can be spent in worthwhile endevours. I hope for time in the best books. I hope to be a conduit for good in the lives of my children and grandchildren. I hope to learn the art of truly loving and supporting my husband. I hope to live such as to have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost!!!!!!(statement, excamation point!)
What is it that you hope for?

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